The Architecture of the Modern Era


The Architecture of the Modern Era

Architecture is the combination of aesthetics and technical systems in order to create a physical structure that meets the needs of the users. Architectural designs, in the large part, are considered to be artistic works and can be perceived as visual symbols. The planning involved in building an architecturally-pleasing structure requires considerable amount of time, talent, experience, skill, finesse and intuition. Architectural aesthetical principles are used to determine what the end product should be like. Architectural forms are mainly governed by formulating a meaningful theme for the structure, one that can be understood and appreciated by all and fulfills the purpose of the structure.

Modernism was a brief period in history characterized by radical experimentation and artistic expressions. This movement sparked off a new era in architecture, characterized by extreme modernization and conceptualization. It led to the development of many abstract designs, which are still popular and highly influential in architectural symbolism and design. Aesthetic concepts, such as formalism, represent a reduction of architecture to its basic functional elements, instead of focusing on the aesthetic beauty of the structure. Modernism has largely affected architecture not only in its formative years but in its post-modern and conceptual period as well.

Industrial revolution marked the arrival of new techniques for constructing large structures. The techniques used during the industrial revolution transformed architecture, replacing pre-existing models with large-scale, automated construction techniques that allowed for mass production of concrete buildings and structures. Industrial architecture can be seen in the skyscrapers and residential complexes we see today. In fact, the present-day global economy caters to the needs of corporate organizations by providing them the resources they need to produce customized and efficient buildings using state-of-the-art building technologies.