Architectural architecture is the creative process and product of designing, planning, and building structures or other buildings. Architectural projects, at the simplest material form such as houses, are usually perceived as artistic works and as social statements. In the twentieth century, architecture has been repeatedly misinterpreted as merely a form of masonry or as mere architectural decorations. Architectural ornamentation has been treated by most historians with much reverence, because the development of architecture is part of the long history of mankind. In fact, architectural ornamentation was one of the key processes of the human race’s development.
Architectural history has also portrayed architects as the most skilled craftsmen in the development of civilization, because many of the great wonders of modern civilization like the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building were designed by architects. Architectural ornamentation is an integral aspect of the discipline of architecture and is usually included in the larger history of architecture. In the field of art, architecture is considered to be one of the most creative fields where the architect has to deal with very sophisticated issues of planning and design in order to arrive at a meaningful outcome.
The United States of America is a strong country and we owe much thanks to the genius of our founders, our great architects and our great cities. We cannot take back our magnificent past, but we can show the world that with time and effort, we have matured into a more sophisticated society which is able to undertake the challenges which face us today. The best examples of classical architecture are the buildings in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Rome, San Diego, Miami Beach, and Washington D.C. All these cities are witnesses to the remarkable achievements of our great architectural geniuses.